Lucy Shen
Yiwei Qi

Requirements for Sam Wu's Website

Client information

Our client is composer Sam Wu, currently a first-year at Harvard University. Sam has written for the Melbourne, Shanghai, and Guangzhou Symphony Orchestras.

Purpose of the website

This website's purpose is to further Sam's musical career and facilitate him in his activism and artistic expression.

Goals: We aim to...

  1. Centralize all of Sam's media work in one easily accessible place. This can be accomplished by placing media files in different pages according to the types of media. These pages will be easily accessed by audience upon entering the website.
  2. Make Sam himself easily accessible in case someone needs to contact him. This means we would need to include a form for viewers to contact him via email.
  3. Help the audience understand Sam as a musician in a quick and easy way. We'll be including his CV and a bio to facilitate this, as well as organized links to his social media sites.
  4. Let the audience get a feeling for Sam's music before they even listen to it. Creating media galleries and including photos from his different concerts will be part of accomplishing this goal.
  5. Help the audience see Sam's inspirations behind his music and provide them with easy access to more information if they are interested. To achieve this, we could include a few short sentences next to his embedded work and provide some links for further information.
  6. Make connections with the audience. Placing a scheduling and events calendar on the site will be useful for this so that the audience can see Sam's future concerts and performances.
  7. Allow users who are not computer-savvy to have an easy and comfortable experience. We can provide clear and intuitive escape hatches and minimize distractions.

The audience

Main audience: The targeted audience of this website would include arts administrators, professors, admissions officers, administrators of grants or competitions, and members of the Board of Directors for various symphonies and orchestras.

Secondary audience: An alternative audience group may be fellow musicians who may be interested in collaborations, and possibly even fans and followers in the future.

Computer familiarity: We are assuming that the primary audience (administrators, professors, etc), unlike many internet users, are not very computer-savvy.

Unlike the generic audience...: The majority of his audience may not be musicians themselves, though they may be involved in the music industry or very experienced with listening to and critiquing music. This is the case with many arts administrators and boards of directors.

Challenges: One of our challenges is that a significant number of his viewers will be people whose mother language is not English, but Chinese. Another challenge is with minimizing load times, as the site will be fairly media-heavy.

Content Outline

Main page - The facade or storefront of the entire website. Should contain very minimal substantive content and is simply an introductory title page to the site itself.

About page - This is the main page for Sam's personal information. This will be a centralized place for the audience to get to know him in a quick and efficient way, as is one of our main goals in building this website. Content of this page include his bio and CV/resume.

Media Gallery page - As is stated in our first goal, this is where all of Sam's media content can be centralized in one easily accessible place. This page contains different kinds of categorized media files, including...

Calendar page - This page display information about future events and announcement. The calendar helps the audience to make further and direct connections with Sam. One possible audience group, fellow artists, would be able to attend Sam's concerts and another audience group, art professionals, could make decisions on furthering their connections with Sam upon seeing him in person.

Press page - As a way of helping the viewers of the website to further understand Sam and his work, a Press page including all press coverage of his compositions and performances should be included. Boards of directors or administrative officials will be interested in knowing how accomplished or well known he already is in order to measure his current accomplishments against his future potential.