Javascript User Defined Functions

The goal of this assignment is to practice your JS skills, as well as put together HTML, CSS, and JS in one page. Specifically, you will get practice with:

  • reading from input elements on the web page
  • writing on the web page and on the console
  • defining functions with and without parameters
  • adding of a responsive button on a web page
  • use the click event to trigger the call of a function

Forming teams

You may work in pairs to complete this assignment, or you may work alone.

If you want to work with a partner, use this team-forming shared document to form and declare teams.

Set up and preparation

From your download directory, get the folder named hw05. It contains materials you will use for this assignment. Open the .html and .js files provided to examine the code, in your editor. Load the html documents on your browser, and see how they look.

Note: For completing this assignment, you do not need to, and you should not edit the provided html documents. Write your js code in the js files. You will need to look at the html code to identify the IDs of a couple of elements to use in your js code.

Task 1: The Old MacDonald song

Remember this old children's song? Here is a verse of it:
    Old MACDONALD had a farm E-I-E-I-O
    And on his farm he had a cow E-I-E-I-O
    With a moo moo here And a moo moo there
    Here a moo, there a moo Everywhere a moo moo
    Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
There is plenty of repetition from verse to verse in the song. As a matter of fact, the only words that change from verse to verse are the animal and the sound it makes!

For this task, you will write a JavaScript program to dynamically write on a web page a few verses of this song. The fact that there is so much repetition from verse to verse, makes it an ideal case for the use of functions!

Open the oldMac.html and create a new file oldMac.js in your code editor (Atom), and open oldMac.html in your browser. Examine the "oldMac.html" carefully, to understand the structure and names of the elements on the page.

Task 1A: produceVerse() function

Define the function produceVerse(animal,sound), in the "oldMac.js" file, to return a string representing of an entire verse of the Old MacDonald song, based on the inputs animal and sound.

Invoke produceVerse() from the console, using fixed values for the arguments. As an example, type at the console's prompt:


You should see the string representing the HTML for the verse displayed in the console. If not, make sure to fix your program at this stage, before continuing.

Task 1B: updatePage() function

Define a second function, named updatePage(), which:
  1. reads the animal, and the sound the user enters in the two input boxes on the web page (oldMac.html)
  2. calls the produceVerse() function to produce the corresponding verse of the song, and...
  3. adds that verse at the bottom of the page (oldMac.html), after any verses that might be there already.

Click on the "Add Verse" button to test your work.

Add several verses to the song, and verify that the song is displayed on the page correctly. You should be able to see several verses of the song at the page, not only one.

Reading values from inputs

As a reminder here is how you can read the value from a text input with id "input1Id": document.getElementById("input1Id").value;

Appending HTML

We've used .innerHTML = to replace the contents of an element on the page, but in order to append to an element instead of replacing its content, you can use .innerHTML += instead.

Task 2: Meme Generator

For this task, you will write a meme generator, which will allow the user to create a custom meme (i.e., an image with some text on it). Here is an example of what it should look like (right-click and select "Open image in new tab" to view details):

What the page looks like when you first load it:
Meme generator page with blank input boxes and a picture of a dog that has 'TOP TEXT' and 'BOTTOM TEXT' written on it at the top and bottom.
After entering text and clicking the button:
Meme generator page with input boxes that read 'GOOD DOG' and 'JUST THE BEST' and a picture of a dog with those phrases written on it at the top and bottom.

Here's another example of a meme using a custom image; this shows only the meme part: Picture of a man wearing a warm hat and coat on a cold winter day with frost on his (pretty wild) beard and moustache.

Look at the provided file memes.html, and see which js and CSS files it links to. Also note which elements have ID values and what those IDs are. In particular, we want to be able to change the value of the top and bottom meme text, and we want to do that by using the values of the text inputs.

For this task, you will be writing two JavaScript functions: one to handle updating the text, and another function to change the font size based on how much text there is.

Note: if you want, you may find a different image to use for your meme generator and update the HTML page to use that image. However, in that case you must also update both the alt text and the attribution text at the bottom of the page to accurately reflect how you are using the image. You should credit the original creator of the image if you can, and if it is a copyrighted image, you should state that you are using it under "fair use." Do not use an image counter to its creator's wishes.

Task 2A: updateMemeText() function

You need to create the memes.js file, and write your code in it. To start with write the function updateMemeText(), which does not accept any arguments. This function should read the text values from the text inputs on the page, and update the innerHTML of the top and bottom text spans to match the input values, similar to what you did in the previous task. Once this is done, you should be able to click the "Update Meme" button and see the meme text change.

Remember that if things aren't working, you should check the console for any error messages.

Task 2B: fontSizeForText() function

Now that the meme generator is working, we'd like to do one more thing: change the font size depending on how much text the user enters. That way, even if they type a lot of text, it will still be able to fit on the image. To test this, try copying this paragraph of text and using it as the top text for the meme. You'll see that it is much too long, and runs over the whole picture and further down the page.

Your job is to build a function fontSizeForText(text). This function will accept one argument, which should be a piece of text (a string). It will measure the length of the text, using:

var len = text.length;
and then it will do the following:
  1. If the length is 40 or less, it should return the number 50, which is the default font size (it should return a number, not a string).
  2. If the length is between 40 and 100 characters, it should return a number between 50 and 30, depending on the length of the string.
    Specifically, the closer to 100 characters in the text, the smaller the result should be. You can use a mathematical formula to compute how close to 40 or 100 the length is (as a number between 0 and 1), and then another formula to convert this number into a font size. Make sure to use Math.floor at the end so that your result is an integer (and test this in the console).
  3. If the text length is more than 100, it should return 30 (the minimum font size).
When this function is working, you should test it using the console with different text inputs. Here are some you can use.
This text is exactly 30 chars.

This text is exactly 40 characters long.

Fifty characters is 1/6 of the way from 40 to 100.

This text is 70 characters long, which is half-way between 40 and 100.

This text is exactly 97 characters long, which is long enough to be almost the minimum font size.

This text is exactly 116 characters long, which is long enough that it should definitely have the minimum font size.

Once you are done with your fontSizeForText function and you have tested it, you must modify your updateMemeText function so that it uses fontSizeForText to compute the font size for the top and bottom texts separately, and then in addition to updating the text of each <span>, it should update their font size as well.

Note that when updating font size, you can use = number + "pt" if you have an HTML element to update stored in a variable element, and a numerical font size stored in a variable number. This won't always work if the number is not an integer though!

Bonus Task (no credit)

If you feel comfortable with the JavaScript code so far and want to go further on your own, try to add a drop-down selector to the page so that the user can choose from one of several images to use. Make sure you include attributions for all images if you do this.


Your folder should contain the following files:

  1. oldMac.html
  2. oldMac.js
  3. memes.html
  4. memes.js
  5. memes.css
  6. dijkstra.jpg

Important Note

Please remember that if you work with a partner, both partners must submit the assignment to their accounts. Upload your files to your hw05 folder, inside the public_html/cs115-assignments folder on your cs account. Permissions have been set so that only you and the instructors/graders can see your files there.

Finally, after you have uploaded your work, use the following URLs to access your files and make sure they work approrriately when accessed from the server.
When prompted for login credentials, enter your user name and password for your cs account.

Due Date/Time

Remember that for this semester, the assignments (including this one) are optional, not required.

Check the schedule for the due date. The class's Late Policy applies here. Remember that you should not modify turned in work after the due time has passed, so that when we grade it, it's not time-stamped late.

  • Folders and files have the required names and are uploaded to the proper location.
  • Your files have comments at the top and as necessary interspersed in the code.
  • You have not modified the original HTML pages.
  • Correctness and quality of the js and CSS code.